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Pitch Black Script

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Average user rating
   (8.18 out of 10)

  David Twohy


Script Date : March 1998

Read "Pitch Black" Script

User Comments for Pitch Black

Sean Reynolds (1 out of 10 )
I thought this screenplay was absolutely boring and it wasn't even scary.

Max (6 out of 10 )
What I liked most about this script was its pace. The dialogue, direction and story pull were apparent in every scene. I think everyone has been let down by alien monster movies and we now expect something that ranks up there with ALIENS 1 and 2. Not gonna happen. This story seemed to be made around Riddick which was why alien developement was less important. It's a good concept. The sequel would have really taken off if not for the over the top effects and bad acting.

Sherry (8 out of 10 )
Surprised to see the low score; thought it was a very effective film with a unconventionally strong female lead (whose ruthlessness and cowardice are tested by conflict) and a more prosaic, understated view of the future than most sci-fi.

Lewis (8 out of 10 )
Great film. It wasn't an over the top special effects film, which made more real . The sequel was, so even a good story line could seem crap.

teto (10 out of 10 )
This movie was amazing. It had a lot of action, it was really well done and the sequel to it was even better.

Brian (10 out of 10 )
Great movie. If you're looking for a thoughtless alien-monster action movie, this isn't it. Most movies that try to have a bad guy be the good guy drive me crazy with their complete rationalization of the morality of it all and attempts to make the "bad" really "cool"; Riddick is the exception. This character is great and the movie uses him real well. If The Chronicles of Riddick is making you avoid this, don't let it. Pitch Black is ten times better and succeeds in all the places that its sequel fails.

Isaac (8 out of 10 )
@Sean Reynolds- This is merely a revision of the first draft. Not the final film. Plenty was changed when the final film comes out. Also, the director's vision, quality of the acting, and music used in a film can completely change the pace and feel of a story. This first draft seems pretty cheesy. Nothing like the actual film. But that's to be expected. No first draft is perfect, and this script had plenty of potential. It might not be your sort of film, but it kept me on the edge of my seat first time through.

Jerry (10 out of 10 )
Interesting but it's clearly not the shooting script, which is the one I was looking for.

Dawn (10 out of 10 )
I love this script, it's an awesome story. Movie isn't bad either.

Alex (9 out of 10 )
Good thing this came out before 9/11, otherwise the studio probably would have decided that Chrislam is too "controversial".

Dylan (10 out of 10 )
This has been one of my favourite movies since I was a kid, and the older I get, the more I understand why. Carolyn is a deeply flawed and painfully human character with a spine of steel, Riddick is a convincing anti-hero with the wisdom to know when to have morals and when to drop them in the name of survival. The subtlety of keeping the aliens largely in darkness lends to it holding up even now in 2024 - as others have said, it doesn't rely on CGI or over the top set pieces like it's sequel. Interesting that Jack was initially just Audrey - I enjoy the change to a girl hiding out as a boy in the final product. Also very appreciative to be able to see the changes that were made to some of the lines - the dialogue does read as cheesy occasionally, but the cheesiest bits appear to have been cut, and in certain cases it makes the dialogue hit much, much harder (see: Riddick's rant about God pissing on him simplified to a cynical laugh and "Where's your God now?" Love this movie, was a real treat to get to read through this. :)

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"Pitch Black" Script

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